Worker's Rights Wallet Cards

"The Contractor shall ensure that Contractor employees supporting the U.S. Armed Forces are aware of their rights to:

  • Hold their own identity or immigration documents, such as passport or driver's license, regardless of the documents' issuing authority;
  • Receive agreed upon wages on time;
  • Take lunch and work-breaks;
  • Elect to terminate employment at any time;
  • Identify grievances without fear of reprisal;
  • Have a copy of their employment contract in a language they understand;
  • Receive wages that are not below the legal host-country minimum wage;
  • Be notified of their rights, wages, and prohibited activities prior to signing their employment contract;
  • If housing is provided, live in housing that meets host-country housing and safety standards."

- Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.225-7040


The DoD created wallet-sized cards (3.5" x 2") that spell out worker's rights, as described above, and provide hotline information to report suspected CTIP violations. Contractors are required to post these rights in employee work spaces in English and in any foreign language(s) spoken by a significant portion of the workforce. The wallet-sized cards were translated into the following languages and provided to U.S. military installations overseas: