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  • August 2024 (DoD CTIP Survivor Voices of Human Trafficking Project: Learning from First-Person Accounts, CTIP PMO Makes a Site Visit to INDOPACOM)
  • May 2024 (CTIP Boots on the Ground in USCENTCOM, Thinking About CTIP in the Context of Threat and Risk Mitigation)
  • February 2024 (Illuminating Pathways: The U.S. Advisory Council on Trafficking's Vision for Effective Solutions)
  • November 2023 (New Chaplains Training and Toolkit on Human Trafficking, New CTIP Resources for DoD Health Care Providers, Two Attorneys General Speak to DoD CTIP Task Force Meeting about Combating Human Trafficking)
  • August 2023 (Catalyzing a Rescue: The CTIP Training on Human Trafficking in Action, Defense Base Act: A New Legal Approach to Assisting Victims of Trafficking)
  • May 2023 (William Beaumont Army Medical Center - Human Trafficking Training for Healthcare Professionals, New Trafficking in Persons Laws)
  • February 2023 (2023 National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Awareness Event, ACES – Early Risk Factors for Human Trafficking)
  • November 2022 (Acquisition Personnel Resource Kit, Combating Human Trafficking in the Transportation Sector)
  • August 2022 (A Special Operations Forces Perspective on Slavery, Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report)
  • May 2022 (CTIP PMO in Action: Preventing Trafficking in DoD Purchase of Goods and Services, Forced Labor in Electric Car Supply Chains: A Coming Test Case for Preventing Trafficking in Government Contracting of Goods)
  • February 2022 (Naval Postgraduate School Research Project Explores DoD Supply Chain Risk of Using Forced Labor, Talking to Your Child About Human Trafficking)
  • November 2021 (Uyghur Forced Labor in Xinjiang, China, and USG Efforts to Guard Against Complicity, Child Soldiers and Human Trafficking)
  • August 2021 (CTIP Program Management Office Launches New Survivor Voices Webpage, Suspension and Debarment as Tools to Hold Government Contractors Accountable)
  • May 2021 (CTIP PMO Develops Data Collection Instrument for Military-Related Human Trafficking Incidents, CTIP Results from the 2019 Status of Forces Survey)
  • February 2021 (DoD's Student Human Trafficking Prevention Training, The National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking: DoD's Role)
  • October 2020 (Preventing Trafficking in Persons in U.S. DoD Contracting: Demobilization, From Victim to Survivor: The Healing Process after Human Trafficking)
  • July 2020 (Women, Peace, and Security Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan Released, Building a Survivor Informed Combating Trafficking in Persons Program at DoD, COVID-19 and Trafficking in Persons)
  • April 2020 (New Developments in Preventing Human Trafficking for Military-Connected Students in DoD Schools, Child Pornography is Human Trafficking)
  • January 2020 (20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act: A Year to Celebrate DoD Firsts, Women, Peace, and Security and Combating Trafficking in Persons: Distinct Histories, Interlinked Agendas)
  • October 2019 (Trafficking in Persons and Gross Violations of Human Rights, FAPIIS and CPARS: Two Key Tools for Combating Trafficking in Persons)
  • July 2019 (Advancing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Combating Human Trafficking Efforts, Department of Labor's Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking)
  • April 2019 (Federal Acquisition Regulation Definition of “Recruitment Fees,” New Combating Human Trafficking Laws)
  • January 2019 (Realities of Human Trafficking: A Survivor's Perspective, Combating Human Trafficking: A Military Prosecutor's Perspective, Raising Awareness about Human Trafficking in DoD Communities)
  • October 2018 (The Responsible Sourcing Tool, Conducting Human Trafficking Training in Military Communities)
  • July 2018 (CTIP Forum at Camp Arfijan, DoD's First Operational Gender Advisor Course, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, Defense Institute of International Legal Studies Efforts in CTIP)
  • April 2018 (SOUTHCOM Human Rights Office CTIP Conference, idTraffickers Software)
  • January 2018 (Afghanistan lessons in fight against human trafficking)
  • October 2017 (Human Exploitative Rescue Operative (HERO) Child Rescue Corps)
  • July 2017 (DoD's role at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)
  • April 2017 (“Fat Leonard” Scandal, NDAA FY17 CTIP Impacts)

CTIP Healthcare Personnel Training

A PSA describing the CTIP Healthcare Personnel Training

Demand Reduction

Preventing trafficking in the Department of Defense

Acquisition Personnel Resource Kit for Preventing Trafficking in Department of Defense Contracting

A PSA describing the Acquisition Resource Kit for DoD acquisition personnel

DoD Combating Trafficking in Persons: Actions and Accomplishments

A chronology tracing the work of the DoD CTIP PMO from its inception in 2006 to present

CTIP Student Guide to Preventing Human Trafficking

A PSA describing the DoD training for 10th-12th grade military connected students to prevent human trafficking.

Combating TIP in Contracting

A PSA raising awareness about the role Acquisition personnel play in preventing trafficking in government contracting


A PSA about the ways DoD works to prevent human trafficking related to the pandemic

Gross Violations of Human Rights and TIP

An awareness raising PSA about trafficking crimes committed under color of law.

DoD CTIP Specialized Trainings Trailer

A description of the specialized trainings DoD required for Investigative Professionals, Acquisition Personnel, and DoD Leadership

DoD Education Activity Training Trailer - TIP in schools

A trailer describing the new DoDEA training for DoD school teachers and educators on the signs and indicators of human trafficking and how to respond appropriately

Buyer Beware

A PSA discussing the fact that many who look like they are selling sex are actually trafficking victims, and reminding buyers that under the UCMJ the purchase of sex is prohibited and will be prosecuted

Faces of Traffickers

A PSA demonstrating that traffickers can be any nationality, race, ethnicity, age, gender or sexual orientation and what they have in common is the exploitation and abuse of their victims

Guessing Game

A PSA demonstrating that victims do not know what is happening to them when they are being trafficked and urging that anyone suspecting trafficking report it to their chain of command

Jane Doe

A PSA for Investigative Professionals about the right and wrong way to interview potential victims of trafficking

John Doe

A PSA showing Acquisition personnel how important it is to look beyond what is on paper in the contract to uncover victims of labor trafficking

The Regular

A PSA showing that “regulars” who purchase sex are fueling the sex trafficking industry

What's the Bottom Line?

A PSA outlining compliance requirements for contractors to help preventing trafficking in government contracting

DHS Blue Campaign Out of the Shadows

A PSA supporting the DHS Blue Campaign to combat human trafficking

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DoD CTIP on You Tube
DoD CTIP on DVids