A PSA describing the CTIP Healthcare Personnel Training
Preventing trafficking in the Department of Defense
A PSA describing the Acquisition Resource Kit for DoD acquisition personnel
A chronology tracing the work of the DoD CTIP PMO from its inception in 2006 to present
A PSA describing the DoD training for 10th-12th grade military connected students to prevent human trafficking.
A PSA raising awareness about the role Acquisition personnel play in preventing trafficking in government contracting
A PSA about the ways DoD works to prevent human trafficking related to the pandemic
An awareness raising PSA about trafficking crimes committed under color of law.
A description of the specialized trainings DoD required for Investigative Professionals, Acquisition Personnel, and DoD Leadership
A trailer describing the new DoDEA training for DoD school teachers and educators on the signs and indicators of human trafficking and how to respond appropriately
A PSA discussing the fact that many who look like they are selling sex are actually trafficking victims, and reminding buyers that under the UCMJ the purchase of sex is prohibited and will be prosecuted
A PSA demonstrating that traffickers can be any nationality, race, ethnicity, age, gender or sexual orientation and what they have in common is the exploitation and abuse of their victims
A PSA demonstrating that victims do not know what is happening to them when they are being trafficked and urging that anyone suspecting trafficking report it to their chain of command
A PSA for Investigative Professionals about the right and wrong way to interview potential victims of trafficking
A PSA showing Acquisition personnel how important it is to look beyond what is on paper in the contract to uncover victims of labor trafficking
A PSA showing that “regulars” who purchase sex are fueling the sex trafficking industry
A PSA outlining compliance requirements for contractors to help preventing trafficking in government contracting
A PSA supporting the DHS Blue Campaign to combat human trafficking