
Link to Standalone Training*: J3TA-US1328-C Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) for Acquisition and Contracting Personnel Course (1 hr)

* The standalone course is for information only.  To receive credit, you must take the course through a learning management system.


This module informs Defense acquisition and contracting personnel about combating trafficking in persons in Department of Defense contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements.  This includes an overview of laws and regulations, and the responsibilities to prevent, identify, and respond to abuses. This module will help learners understand how to promote the U.S. Government's zero tolerance policy on TIP within the DoD contracting and acquisition community.

CTIP acquisition (includes contracting, grants, and cooperative agreements) training is designed for DoD personnel with job responsibilities that require daily contact with DoD contractors, grant and cooperative agreement recipients, or foreign national personnel.  The “daily contact” category includes contracting officers and contracting officer’s representatives, grant and agreements officers, and grant/agreements officer representatives (program administrators).  CTIP acquisition training is taken in lieu of the CTIP general awareness training and is required to be taken once every three years.

For more reference information regarding this requirement, please refer to this memo signed by the Undersecretaries of Defense for Personnel & Readiness and Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics.

This module takes approximately 1 hour to complete. 

The training is available on five Learning Management Systems:

1.     LMS - counts for credit and includes a certificate of completion. Click on the LMS links below to log in and complete the course.

                a.    Air Force - My Learning

                b.    Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) 

                c.    Defense Acquisition University (DAU) - course number DOD 0020

                d.    Navy - NeL

      f.     OSD/DA&M/WHS – iCompass








CTIP Acquisition Training Terminal Learning Objectives (TLOs)

The required subject matter for the CTIP acquisition training will include these TLOs, from which trainees will understand:

(1)  What constitutes trafficking in persons (TIP), utilizing the term “severe forms of trafficking in persons” as defined in Section 7102 of Title 22, U.S.C.

(2)  Laws and regulations related to human trafficking in government contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements.

(3)  Vulnerabilities associated with trafficking victims.

(4)  Specific responsibilities of Defense acquisition professionals in preventing human trafficking.

(5)  How to recognize award administration indicators of human trafficking.

(6)  Specific responsibilities of Defense acquisition professionals in response to human trafficking violations.

(7)  The DoD CTIP case process flow.