About Us

The Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Management Office (CTIP PMO) is the lead office responsible for coordinating the Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to prevent human trafficking, prosecute traffickers, and assist in the protection of victims of human trafficking. The DoD CTIP PMO falls within the purview of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD (P&R)) in the Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA). DHRA is responsible for CTIP policy development, planning, resource management, and program evaluation for all of DoD.

CTIP PMO is responsible for overseeing, developing, and providing the tools necessary for implementing the National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 22 within DoD. The NSPD 22 declares the United States Government's “zero tolerance” policy for trafficking in persons (TIP). The Directive states, “Departments and agencies shall ensure that all of the appropriate offices within their jurisdiction are fully trained to carry out their responsibilities to combat trafficking."

Linda K. Dixon is the Director for the Department of Defense Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Management Office (CTIP PMO). As the CTIP Director, Linda K. Dixon takes measures to implement the Department of Defense's program to combat trafficking in persons (CTIP) through management and oversight. She leads the development of CTIP policy and training modules that are based on realistic, military-related trafficking in persons (TIP) scenarios. The latest project completed is the DoD CTIP Student Guide to Preventing Human Trafficking for military connected students. She guides efforts and works with the Defense Acquisition and Sustainment office to develop a resource for the contracting community to prevent labor trafficking in defense contracts. Ms. Dixon chairs the multidisciplinary task force that meets quarterly to improve the DoD CTIP program and to resolve issues and violations of trafficking in persons laws and regulations. Currently Ms. Dixon is working with survivors of human trafficking. The CTIP PMO developed the Survivor Voices of Human Trafficking webpage on the CTIP website http://ctip.defense.gov/ to provide a platform for survivors of sex trafficking, forced labor, and child soldiering to tell their stories in a written narrative and recorded video and raise awareness for DoD personnel.

Linda K. Dixon


The Department of Defense (DoD) sustains an effective program to combat trafficking in persons in both its domestic and international environments.


To institutionalize Department of Defense Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) policy and programs and set conditions for effective prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnering activities in concert with, and supportive of, national efforts.

Guiding Principles

  1. Reduce the risk and incidence of trafficking in persons within DoD's garrison and deployed operations
  2. Identify victims and help alleviate suffering
  3. Improve monitoring and reporting
  4. Identify criminal activity
  5. Educate stakeholders on DoD's stance on trafficking in persons
  6. Train all DoD personnel on combating trafficking in persons
  7. Inform contractors of DoD CTIP policies and best practices

Develop Policy

The CTIP PMO is responsible for the development and updating of the Department of Defense Instruction 2200.01, “Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP).” The DoDI establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes training requirements for CTIP. The DoDI was first published in 2007 and has been updated in 2010, 2015, and 2019.

Develop Training

The CTIP DoDI requires Component Heads to ensure new personnel (military and civilian) take CTIP training within their initial year of entry into DoD. The CTIP PMO provides terminal learning objectives (TLOs), guidelines, and procedures for trafficking awareness training for all DoD components. The CTIP PMO developed several different training programs addressing the TLOs, including General Awareness, General Awareness Refresher, Acquisitions Professionals, Investigative Professionals (law enforcement, criminal and DoDIG investigators), Department of Defense Education Activity school personnel, Judge Advocates and Legal Counsel, Chaplains, Healthcare Personnel, and Military Recruiters. The CTIP trainings provide an overview of TIP including, signs of trafficking, key policies and procedures, and reporting procedures.

Develop Awareness Materials

The CTIP PMO runs a quarterly Task Force meeting distributing information and coordinating efforts through more than 50 CTIP points of contact within the Defense Components, which consist of the Services, Combatant Commands and the Defense Agencies. The CTIP PMO develops awareness materials for distribution to DoD components. CTIP PMO developed posters and wallet-sized cards that outline worker's rights and provides information on where to report suspected cases of TIP. These cards are available in 10 languages and are continually shipped overseas and distributed to workers. Additionally, CTIP PMO created and distributed posters that describe how to recognize and report trafficking. These posters are required to be displayed in an area that is readily visible to employees. In locations where multiple languages are spoken, awareness materials were translated into the language(s) spoken by a significant portion of the employees. There are posters in 20 languages available on the CTIP website.

Coordinate Interagency and Intra-agency Efforts

The CTIP PMO is responsible for preparation of materials for and participation in all U.S. government interagency collaborations. Collaborations include: the cabinet level President's Interagency Task Force on Trafficking, the Senior Policy Operating Group on Trafficking in Persons, White House efforts to combat trafficking such as the National Action Plan, the Office of Management and Budget's Office of Federal Procurement Policy Interagency Task Force Preventing Trafficking in Government Contracting, and other key interagency efforts. The CTIP PMO also leads internal efforts on human trafficking for the Department of Defense, including the formation and implementation of a quarterly CTIP Task Force on Combating Trafficking in Persons, with more than 50 points of contact in DoD military and civilian components, divisions and offices; Self-Assessment process of all DoD agencies and components to ascertain progress on combating trafficking in persons, coordination of data collection on sex and labor trafficking cases in the DoD; and leadership or participation in key intra-agency efforts such as the Forced Labor Goods Working Group.

DoD's CTIP accomplishments include:

  • DoD was the first Federal agency to require training for its personnel, beginning with military members in 2005.
  • DoD was the first Federal agency to require TIP Clauses in contracts, , implemented through the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) in 2006.
  • In 2007, the Combating Trafficking in Persons Department of Defense Instruction (2200.01) was published. It has been updated in 2010, 2015, and 2019.
  • In 2010, the CTIP PMO launched its website and expanded mandatory training to DoD civilians.
  • DoD was the first Federal agency to produce “Worker's Rights” reference cards in 2011, in multiple languages.
  • DoD was the first Federal agency to establish a multi-disciplinary task force on CTIP in 2012.
  • DoD was the first Federal agency to publish a Strategic Plan for Combating Trafficking in Persons in 2013.
  • In 2014, the CTIP PMO established a CTIP Program Manager in Afghanistan and developed specialized trainings for Acquisition Professionals and for Investigative Professionals.
  • In 2016, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) received the 2016 Presidential Award for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons for the development of an anti-trafficking technology tool called “Memex.”
  • In the 2017 Status of Forces Survey, 94 percent of the active duty members surveyed understood the U.S. Government's “zero tolerance” policy on trafficking in persons.
  • In 2018, the CTIP PMO and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) released the CTIP Training for DoDEA school personnel.
  • In 2019, the CTIP PMO and Joint Knowledge Online developed a public service announcement about the nexus between TIP and gross violations of human rights.
  • In 2020, the CTIP PMO updated all of its CTIP trainings and included sections on gross violations of human rights and women, peace, and security efforts in the CTIP General Awareness, CTIP Investigative Professionals, CTIP Acquisition Personnel trainings and the CTIP Leadership Resource.
  • In 2021, the CTIP PMO and Joint Knowledge Online released the CTIP Student Guide to Preventing Human Trafficking for military-connected high school students with an accompanying Parent Resource Guide. The DoD is the first Federal agency to develop a student and parent guide.
  • In 2021, the CTIP PMO added a feature to its website, Survivor Voices, which features survivors relating their experiences being trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, and child soldiering.
  • In 2022, the CTIP PMO released the CTIP Acquisition Resource Kit, a grab and go collection of job aids covering the five phases of contracting for DoD’s acquisition personnel.
  • The CTIP website was redesigned to make it easier to find resources and information in 2022.
  • In 2023, the CTIP PMO updated the General Awareness, Investigative Professionals, Acquisition Personnel, and DoD Education Activity Staff trainings.
  • In 2023, the CTIP PMO released the specialized CTIP DoD Chaplains Training and companion Toolkit, addressing issues relevant to DoD chaplains such as moral injury, meaning making, and spiritual healing.
  • In 2023, the CTIP PMO released the specialized CTIP DoD Healthcare Personnel Training and accompanying Toolkit addressing relevant issues such as new human trafficking ICD Codes, mandatory reporting, and electronic medical records for the DoD’s 100,000+ healthcare personnel. Continuing Education Credit for this course obtained in 2024.
  • In 2024, the CTIP PMO released the mandatory CTIP General Awareness Refresher Course in response to P.L. 117-348.
  • In 2024, the CTIP PMO released the CTIP DoD Judge Advocates/Legal Counsel Course and companion Toolkit to outline the roles and responsibilities of Judge Advocates in preventing trafficking, prosecuting traffickers, and protecting victims.


4800 Mark Center Drive

Suite 05E22

Alexandria, VA 22350

Phone: (571) 372-1963

Email: dodctip@mail.mil


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